Friday, May 21, 2010

Beer Me!

Who doesn't love beer?  Assuming you do love beer, you should really have a good beer shirt.  A beer drinking shirt you can wear to poker night, or casual backyard BBQ gatherings, or a college party.  Just about anywhere beer will be served and you don't have to wear a tie.

What should the beer drinking shirt consist of?  Well, it should definitely be funny.  It should be fresh and new - something your buddies haven't seen a million times in one form or another.  It should contain the words "Pie Hole".  Oh look!  Here's one now!

And a hat:

In Case Of Emergency Pour Beer In Pie Hole - an emergency beer instruction sign.  See, it's funny!  It's different!  Simple, elegant and will definitely get you a dates from cheerleaders and actresses and their moms!

I hope you love beer.  And, as a brewer, I hope you love craft beer.  But, if you must drink the yellow fizzies, at least look good doing it!

We haven't forgotten the ladies!  Beer is the new wine doncha know..

Now THAT will get noticed!

As always, click the photos to purchase and to see all the other shirt styles available.